New Open Hours
We're pleased to announce new open hours for The Caterpillar Lab! The short version: we're aiming for three times a week, starting in April with Sunday, Monday and Wednesday from 12-5pm. The doors will be open to you at 166 Emerald St. Keene NH 03431.
The longer version: we're going to handle our open hours a little differently this year. Having times when visitors can come in and see what we do and how we do it is very important to us, but this sometimes conflicts with our outreach programs, leading to cancelled open hours. Our goal for this season is to maintain three days of open hours every week, on a regular schedule that may differ month to month.
Starting today, we'll be open on Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 12-5pm for the rest of April.
So where can you find our current schedule? -I'll post at the start of each month here, and change our hours under the events tab. -Our current hours will also be posted on our front door, on the website, and in my voicemail! -On that last note, my phone number [734-837-9402] will be the new open hours line; feel free to call with any questions, and if I can't pick up, my voicemail will let you know the current open hours and you can leave a message for me to get back to you.
We hope this will work out for our visitors, and we hope to see you in our new space soon! -Sincerely, Jesse Varga, Lab Manager